- Ph.D in Motion Planning and Navigation in Unknown Unstructured and Structured Environments, George Mason University, US, 2025 (expected)
- M.S. in Computer Science, University Nevada - Reno, US, 2020
- M.S. in Mechatronics, Siegen University, Germany, 2014
- B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam, 2007
Work experience
- 01.2021-present: Research Assistant
- George Mason University
- Duties included: Working on Motion Planning and Decision-making for Multi-Robot system under uncertainty and limited communication
- Supervisor: Prof. Gregory J. Stein and Prof. Erion Plaku
- 01.2019-12.2020: Research Assistant
- University of Nevad - Reno
- Duties included: Developed Control Frameworks for (1) Inchworm Hybird Inspection Robot for steel bridge structures, (2) a manipulator for sorting application with RGB-D and Ultrasonic sensors.
- Supervisor: Prof. Hung La
- C++ (4.0/5.0)
- Python (4.0/5.0)
- Docker and Github (3.5/5.0)
- ROS (4.0/5.0)
Several interesting papers:
Multi-Robot Guided Sampling-Based Motion Planning with Dynamics in Partially Mapped Environments
Hoang-Dung Bui, Erion Plaku, Gregory J. Stein. (2024). " Multi-Robot Guided Sampling-Based Motion Planning with Dynamics in Partially Mapped Environments " IEEEAccess Journal 2024 .
Improving the Efficiency of Sampling-based Motion Planners via Runtime Predictions for Motion-Planning Problems with Dynamics
Hoang-Dung Bui; Yuanjie Lu; Erion Plaku (2022). "Improving the Efficiency of Sampling-based Motion Planners via Runtime Predictions for Motion-Planning Problems with Dynamics." IROS 2022.
A deep learning-based autonomous robot manipulator for sorting application
Hoang-Dung Bui, Hai Nguyen, Hung Manh La, Shuai Li (2020). "A deep learning-based autonomous robot manipulator for sorting application ." IRC Conference 2020.
Control framework for a hybrid-steel bridge inspection robot
Hoang-Dung Bui, Son Nguyen, U-H. Billah, Chuong Le, Alireza Tavakkoli, Hung M. La (2020). "Control framework for a hybrid-steel bridge inspection robot." IROS Conference 2020.
Scholarships and Fellowships
- Full Scholarship from Ministry of Education and Tranning, Vietnam for A Master Program in Germany (Oct. 2011- Apr. 2014)
- Supported Scholarship from DAAD for A Master Program in Germany (Oct. 2011- Apr. 2014)
- Research Fellowship at Univeristy of Missouri Columbia (Jul. 2016 - Oct. 2016)
- Education Training Fellowship at Univeristy of Missouri Columbia (Jun. 2015 - August. 2015)